Gaby's Homepage for CP/M and Computer History
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CP/M - what's that?
You may be curious what this page is all about...
Downloads for various CP/M versions, CP/M tools for DOS.
Why CP/M?
Why keep on using CP/M in a world of multimedial user interfaces and clickable tape recorders?
Online Manuals
Some links to CP/M related manuals to be found in the ZNODE-51 archive (and elsewhere).
CP/M Links
Links to the most important, most interesting, and strangest CP/M and z80 sites.
How to access my CP/M files from DOS?
Some solutions for CP/M 2.2/3.0 und CP/M-86.
A summary of questions about CP/M-86.
The official FAQ from comp.os.cpm.
Gary Kildall
A very comprehensive and interesting article about Gary Kildall and the history of CP/M.
The Unofficial CP/M Website
Contains the original CP/M binaries and sources, the Digital Research Documentation Project, Emulators, and more.
All about the GIDE Interface - by Tilmann Reh.
Z80 Family Support Page
Thomas Scherrer's Z80 site with collected information about the Zilog z80 processor family.
TCJ Articles
Articles from The Computer Journal.
Don Maslin Memorial
The ZNODE51 "BBS" containing about 150 megs of CP/M downloads and related programs and tools.
Walnut Creek CP/M CD ROM
Download of all single files contained within this CD.