Information, Downloads and Links for the CP/M
Operating System.
Links to Computer collectors and museums,
User groups, and other useful pages.
Downloads for CP/M-86, CP/M-Plus,
Z Systems, and DOS.
Small exhibition of my private collection.
Since I've sold my collection, this is now a virtual exhibition only. The pages will
remain, though.
Contains the original CP/M binaries and sources, the Digital Research Documentation Project,
Emulators, Small C, and more.
Downloads and links for an up-to-date
Windows 3.1x.
Thomas Scherrer's Z80 site with collected
information about the Z80 processor family.
Annual meeting of CP/M and 8bit enthuasiasts.
Many pictures and reports.
German CP/M User Group (page is
in German only).
The ZNODE51 "BBS" containing about 150 megs of
CP/M downloads and related programs and tools.
All about the GIDE Interface - by Tilmann
Articles from The Computer Journal.
Pictures and summaries from various
old computer meetings.
The FTP server contains
a bunch of software for CP/M and Windows 3.1x.